
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2nd brainstorm meeting

Hi guys,

we should meet f2f again until next week because of is already camp next week!!

Suggestions: Thursday at 2 pm
Friday - whenever

1 comment:

  1. Boriss Danilevics April 7 at 2:43pm
    At 2 will be OK. .

    Sarah Hulse April 7 at 3:42pm
    Meeting at 2 is good for myself. x .

    Viren Patel April 7 at 3:42pm
    friday whenever is good for me....i have a project meeting at 2 .

    Amanda Stefanopoulos April 7 at 3:48pm
    Im up for whatever, but friday would probably work best for me. .

    Alea Sharp April 7 at 4:30pm
    Sarah and I have a meeting at 1 on Friday .

    Amanda Stefanopoulos April 7 at 4:30pm
    ok we could do it before or aftter? .

    Alea Sharp April 7 at 4:32pm
    before probably would be better. Not sure how much time we're going to spend on the group project. .

    Amanda Stefanopoulos April 7 at 4:32pm
    ok well then we could shoot for like 11 thata way you could have a chance for lunch in between? .

    Alea Sharp April 7 at 4:33pm
    That would be perfect .

    Ondrej Kolomy April 7 at 5:27pm
    So guys, at 11 am but where? - our university or Turku university of Economics? .

    Viren Patel April 7 at 8:59pm
    depends what we are doing at the meeting...
