
Sunday, March 28, 2010

BOOK: Service Innovation; Organisational responses to technological opportunities and market imperatives; Joe Tidd, Frank M Hull.

I have to admit that am still a bit confused with what the book is about. I expected it is going to be only about innovation in services. But there are mainly mentioned organizational innovation and then innovation joined to product development. I want to mention only a few notes that are, in my opinion, important.

  • outcome of service innovation is CHANGE:
    - technology
    - managerial system
    - knowledge + skills
    - values
  • types of service innovation:
    - process innovation = hase been changed in the process of behaviour of a firm
    - organisational inn. = has been changed in the firm organisation
    - marketing inn. = a new market behaviour is discovered and exploited
    - productive inn. = a new service product is developed

In our project we can figure out all kinds of innovations mentioned above.

  • EVERYTHING is about customer added value (service that we provide to customer)
  • what is the biggest problem? - figure out way of delivery of service to customer
  • find a customer service gap
  • fast growers (lead innovators) focus on specific groups or types of customers - it also costs less
  • fast growers tend to have high value, long term relationships with their customers, repeated transactions, lower value contracts
  • companies started focus on High Technology
  • companies started outsourcing their services
  • VERY important - communication - it can be critical success - in our case is not bad to use F2F communication to address our potential customers
  • very important feedback from customer - can adjust our strategy
  • service-orientation is critical for our future business model which we have been transforming over recent years

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think this book is more complicated than the "Harry Potter:The History of a Global Business Phenomenon" which I am reading right now. The book is about the emerge of the "Harry Potter"brand and the marketing strategies which helped to promote it around the Globe. As to me this book don't impress me cause I read about exactly the same in the other books about marketing. However it is quite interesting to get familiar with this information cause it can help in the your future perspective.
